Atlas of the Northern fells

Sininen Jättiläinen

Atlas of the Northern fells

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Regardless of religion or non-religion, the fells are sacred to us Finns. They are synonymous with adventure - and adventures create the most unforgettable stories.

Historical peaks from which the earth has been proven to be round and the northern lights have been shown to be an electrical phenomenon. Iconic slopes taken over by UFOs, which have sworn eternal lights. Views of plains where entire villages have been covered under artificial lakes and ecosystems have collapsed into suspended streams. Stories about giants and magicians falling into the trap, which only the experts of Lapland can tell.

From thousands of alternatives, the content of the Atlas was chosen with the idea:

"What if the fells had kept a guestbook of the events on their slopes?" After a lot of consideration, fifty events were folded into the covers, which have left an ancient mark on the essence of the North Hills - an immortal story that echoes through northern people, community and nature.

The stories of Jenny Siivola and Tytti Muurinen's bold visual presentation run through the eight seasons of Lapland, from the Christmas nightmare to the berry summer and from the spring winter to the first snow.

The work's irresistibly gorgeous appearance and charged, rich stories create an experience that evokes emotions on a strong spectrum.

Book in Finnish, English edition here

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