04 COMFORT - Herbal cream

Aava Collection

04 COMFORT - Herbal cream

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The body speaks. Different sensations in our body invite us to listen and pay attention to the body's needs and messages. Pain, soreness and itching are important to us if we stop to listen to their messages. Pain teaches the important skill of compassion towards our own body. Comfort spreads compassion to the body whenever it needs special care and attention.

Ingredients: Coconut oil, Beeswax, Hemp seed oil, Nettle, Nettle, Juniper essential oil

80 ml

Mesiagervo's white cotton candy flowers not only sweeten with their fragrance, but also soothe pain according to folklore. The salicylic acid naturally contained in the plant is the same active ingredient as in the world's most famous painkiller, Aspirin. As a strong herb, Mesiangervo should only be used in short courses or occasionally.

The idea of ​​stinging nettle on the skin may not be very pleasant, but when treated correctly, this prickly super herb is also an intensive care provider. The old people beat rheumatism, joint pains and inflammations with nettles on the sauna boards.

According to legends, juniper has both physical and spiritual healing properties. It has been used to treat wounds and pain, but also to ward off evil spirits. It multiplies like a juniper nation. However, people with kidney diseases and pregnant women should avoid using juniper completely.

Hemp is one of the oldest crops on Earth. Hemp seed oil is particularly suitable for the human body thanks to its balanced and versatile composition. In cosmetics, products containing hemp seed oil are recommended especially for dry, irritated and atopic skin.

As such, beeswax is nature's own wonder substance, whose composition is so complex that it could not even be produced synthetically. Of its less than 300 ingredients, only approx. 40 have been identified and yet its benefits, health effects and versatile uses were already well known in ancient Egypt. In cosmetics, beeswax regulates the composition of the cream, but also treats and protects the skin in many ways. The antimicrobial properties are soothing and the wax creates a natural, breathable and nourishing protective layer for the skin.

Comfort is a natural healer.

100% natural ingredients and Lapland herbs protect and care for the skin. Try it for itching, soreness, wounds, abrasions and rashes, for all skin problems, why not muscle pains as well. Warm the cream in the palms of your hands and gently apply to the problem and pain points of the skin. Use occasionally or in courses of no more than a week in skin care. The composition varies depending on the temperature.

Store closed at room temperature. Not recommended for those with kidney disease or during pregnancy. Naturally contains salicylates, which can cause allergies. Avoid contact with eyes or reach of children.

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